British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen and his movie star wife Isla Fisher have pledged to donate $1 million to help Syrian refugees.
More than four million people have fled abroad in Syria's conflict.
Baron Cohen, of "Borat" and "Ali G" fame (pictured), along with his "Wedding Crashers" star wife have pledged to donate $1 million (900,000 euros) to help displaced Syrians, the charities receiving the money announced on Sunday.
The couple will gift $500,000 to Save the Children, in conjunction with The Sunday Times Christmas Appeal, to "help protect 250,000 children against a threatened measles outbreak in Syria," the newspaper wrote on its website.
In a separate donation, Baron Cohen and Fisher will donate the same amount to the International Rescue Committee (IRC) to help displaced refugees within Syria and neighbouring countries, particularly women and children with medical aid, shelter and sanitation.
The United Nations reports that more than four million refugees have been forced to flee Syria for safety in other countries, while millions more have been forced to leave their homes for other parts of the Syria.
Save the Children chief executive Justin Forsyth said the couple's donation would "save many thousands of lives and protect some of the most vulnerable children."
"By allowing us to make their generous donation to the Syrian children public, Sacha and Isla are helping highlight the tragedy of the issue today," he added.
Former British Foreign Minister David Miliband, who is president of the IRC, called their gift a "great expression of humanity."