Kuwait mourned its prominent and iconic comedian, actor Abdulhussain Abdulredha, who passed away aged 78 due to complications during treatment at a London hospital, according to KUNA.
The legendary Kuwaiti actor had a prolific career contributing to over 30 TV series, 33 plays, several operattas and songs.
Abdulredha's acting career is often hailed as the cornerstone of Gulf comedy and the epicentre behind the Golden age of Kuwaiti theatre in the 1970s and 1980s.
Often taking on difficult roles, such as Saddam Hussein in "Saif Al Arab" or a freewheeling Kuwaiti abroad in "Bye Bye London".
Abdulredha's career began in 1961, in the play Saqar Qorish Belfaseh. He was a substitute to actor Adnan Hussein and proved a success which made him famous.
Abdulredha was born in Darwaz Abdul Razzaq in Sharq to Kuwaiti parents. He was the seventh among 14 siblings.
He initially worked in the Department of Printing of the Kuwaiti Ministry of Guidance and Information.
He then travelled on a study mission to Egypt in 1956 to learn the art of printmaking and in 1961 he travelled to Germany to complete his studies in the printmaking arts.
He got promotions in his job until he became an observer in the printing section of the Ministry of Information.
Among his famous theatre contributions are "Bye, Bye London", "Azoubi Salmiya", "Haman, O Pharaoh", and many others.
Abdulredha is best known for his sarcastic humour that made a mockery of the Arab situation in comedy template. He was one of the founders of the Arab theatre in 1961 and the National Theatre in 1976.
Abdulredha is famous because of the beauty of his voice, and this distinguished him from other artists of his generation.