Banks and ATMs across India continued to witness long queues of people waiting to exchange defunct Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes and withdraw cash today even as government toiled hard to meet the situation by dispensing currency through banks and post offices. Meanwhile, mining baron and former BJP leader, Gali Janardhan Reddy is all set to host a gala wedding for his daughter Brahmani. Many Bollywood actors including Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif will reportedly be performing at the wedding scheduled to be held at Bangalore Palace grounds. The bride will be wearing a BD10,00,000 sari (Indian traditional dress) at the wedding.
In addition to that Reddy has spent BD 83m on the venue, which is reportedly made to look like one from the Golden Era of Vijayanagara. He has also booked about 1500 rooms in top star hotels in Bengaluru.
The wedding of Reddy's daughter, who was in jail for three years in connection with an illegal mining case, seems to be least affected by demonitisation.