Customs officials at the Chennai airport in India detained a female passenger after 22 live snakes and a chameleon were found in her luggage. The woman had just arrived from Kuala Lumpur.
In a video tweeted by Chennai Customs, officials can be seen wrangling snakes of different sizes and species. The snakes were reportedly packed into plastic containers in an attempt to illegally smuggle them.
Indian Customs : Guardians of wildlife!@ChennaiCustoms intercepted a female pax arriving from Kuala Lumpur by Flight No.AK13. On examination of check-in baggage, 22 Snakes of various species & a Chameleon were found; seized under CA, 1962 r/w Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.
— CBIC (@cbic_india) April 30, 2023
Although, it is not clear if the woman was arrested or not, all the animals were seized and rescued under the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 which protects plant and animal species.