The entire world is eagerly waiting for the dawn of a new year.
While standing at the gate of 2021, it would be better for everyone to draw an ethical balance-sheet with a view to mending or putting right the moral injuries or impairments which they have deliberately or accidentally committed. Then only, life in the New Year can be transformed positively.
Alfred Tennyson’s following lines can guide everyone to change the life of the past positively or optimistically:
“Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring out the false, ring in the true.”
The British poet takes the phrase “Ring out the old, ring in the new” and twists it to ring out all the negatives. Tennyson tries to abandon the disappointments in everyone’s life; instead, he wants every one to build the future with excellence.
The positive thinking that usually comes with optimism can only change our world into a creative one.
If the thoughts that run through our head are mostly negative, our outlook on life is more likely to be pessimistic, and pessimism can only lead us to destruction.
Quoting a verse from the Quran would be more appropriate. “Say: “O My servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of God: for God forgives all sins: for He is Oft forgiving, Most Merciful! (39–53)”
But Allah’s forgiveness is subject to sincere repentance and change in conduct. The verse exhorts the servants of God to change their lives of the past positively by repenting, relinquishing and replacing all their vices with virtues so that their life will be successful in both worlds.
The year 2020 has already drawn to a close. All of us know that as one ends another begins. This is an undeniable truth that we witness in life.
The year 2020 gave birth to many events among which the one that stands out is the announcement by the World Health Organisation about the deadly coronavirus. In a matter of months, the virus spread across the globe affecting millions of people and resulting in thousands of deaths.
In addition, other shocking events include Australia’s declaration of a state of disaster following large bushfires that killed as many as 500 million animals, the impeachment trial of US President Donald Trump, the International Monetary Fund forecasting the world economy shrinking by three per cent, the worst contraction since the Great Depression of the 1930s, among others.
However, we also remember some of the awe-inspiring events of 2020. The most important was Space X launching two American astronauts into space on May 30 from US soil for the first time in nearly a decade.
The second event was a 103-year-old veteran surviving Covid-19 and a 102-year-old woman surviving the virus twice, and a retired British shop clerk receiving the first shot in the United Kingdom’s Covid-19 vaccination programme in what was the beginning of an exceptional global immunisation effort.
In short, let us say farewell to the 2020 with sincere wishes and say a prayer for the New Year: “May God the Almighty bless us all in abundance in the New Year and unto the end of life.”