This unique creature known as 'zedonk' was born in a zoo in China and is a cross between a female zebra and male donkey.
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The little mammal has the head and body of a donkey but resembles a zebra with its striped legs and a few stripes on its sides.
Born in the zoo, 'zedonk' has slowly become an internet sensation.
Though it is a unique feat not completely unusual.
In 2013, a similar animal, offspring of male zebra and female donkey was born in a reserve in Florence, Italy.
The offspring had the colouring of a donkey with distinctive stripes of a zebra and was in good health.
In this Tuesday, June 18, 2013 photo Zita, a liger, half-lioness, half-tiger, licks her one-month-old liliger cub in the Novosibirsk Zoo. The cub's father is a lion, Sam. (AP File Photo)
There are other hybrid animals like liger which is a cross between a male lion and female tiger.